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Pages in category "Federated Suns News"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
- A DVS-2 Devastator destroyed, saboteurs suspected; Marshal Harrison Bradford vows full investigation.
- A petroleum-carrying Mule DropShip crashed in the financial district on Zolfo; the fire continues to rage out of control.
- AFFC High Command denies rumors McKinnon’s Raiders (the “Fox’s Teeth”) raided Delacruz last month.
- AFFC officials call “fowl” on planetary governor of Lima blowing the Combine raid of ’46 completely out of proportion.
- After extensive field testing of the DVS-2 Devastator, 3rd Royal Guards have requested more such ’Mechs.
- Arnaud Rai rails against Commonwealth Press for not publishing his manifesto; Press calls his papers “conspiracy trash”
- As the first new ’Mechs built in over a century, in 3023, DI proudly showcased its upgrade, the HCT-5S Hatchetman.
- Celebrating six centuries of service, week’s long celebration is underway at the Albion Military Academy on New Avalon.
- Class Action Lawsuit filed against James McKenna Shipyards; life-threatening ship repairs ignored in favor of military.
- Controversy erupts over the publication of “Ryan Vs. Hanse: The Skye Crises of 3034”, which paints First Prince Hanse Davion poorly.
- Current location of McKinnon’s Raiders (the “Fox’s Teeth”) unknown; speculation rampant over next Draconis target.
- Draconis Combine issues formal request for the re-call of McKinnon’s Raiders (the “Fox’s Teeth”) before conflict escalates.
- Duchess Candace Liao delivered her usual monthly address calling for the removal of her sister, Chancellor Romano Liao.
- Duchess Rein of Woodbine receives apparent reprimand from First Prince over pushing Outback Worlds’ agendas too far.
- Duke James Sandoval officially made Field Marshal, commander of the 50 ’Mech regiments of the Draconis March.
- Dynamico admits no wrong doing; agrees to send specialists for new review of latest Avenger-class DropShips.
- Dynamico announced a new set of upgraded Avenger-class DropShips have slipped their moorings at the yards at Delavan.
- Dynamico defends its latest shipment of upgraded Avenger-class DropShips against allegations of poor workmanship.
- Field Marshal, Duke James Sandoval, begins months-long inspection tour of the regiments of the Draconis March.
- First Ceti Hussars’ Hauptmann General Lamont lodges complaint with AFFC over use of The Fox’s Teeth to raid Combine.
- First Prince removes government of Torrence after socialist take-over threatened to nationalize Vinson Pharmaceuticals.
- First Prince reprimands Universal Air for over-stepping authority; previous Princes have replaced all non-loyal officers.
- FoI advocates demand release of classified documents surrounding alleged “war” between ComStar & MIIO from 3034-44
- Marshal Andrew Cunningham of the First Kestral Grenadiers receives knighthood from Duke Xerxes Cunningham.
- Marshal Bradford of the 3rd Royal Guards has reported after tests that the new DVS-2 Devastator is performing above expectations in the field.
- Marshal Harrison Bradford issued a personal thanks to Norse-Storm BattleMechs, Inc. for the receipt of a DVS-2 Devastator.
- McKinnon’s Raiders (the “Fox’s Teeth”) continue their successful raids into the Galedon District of the Draconis Combine.
- Media magnet George Michael Hasek assigned as lance commander within the 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry.
- NAIS attempts to reengineer KTO-20 Kintaro from captured down-graded Combine model; a ComStar “gift” from War of 3039.
- NAIS published paper “Resurrecting Nighthawk. XXI” in a bid to raise funds to explore the creation of “battle armor”.
- New rumblings in AFFC High Command heard over desire to strip Duke Stephenson’s control of New Ivaarsen Chassuers.
- Recently shipped Maulers receive their baptism of fire against Davion raid; Victory Armaments’ ER lasers peformed well.
- Riots occurred as Combine descendants tried to attend the annual Ceremony of Remembrance at the Kentares Memorial.
- Rumors circle Archon-Prince-designate Victor Steiner-Davion will post to Twenty-fifth Arcturan Guards RCT upon graduation.
- Rumors circulate that MIIO is uneasy with the growing power of WolfNet, the Wolf’s Dragoons intelligence agency.
- Rumors confirmed that Archon-Prince-designate Victor Steiner-Davion has been assigned to the Twelfth Donegal Guards.
- Rumors swirl that Bithinian Ballistics' CEO in negotiations with Federated Suns-based Myrdon Automatic Weaponry.
- The coronation ceremony for Duke James Sandoval will follow the official 30 days of mourning for the “Old Duke”.
- Though loath to admit it, AFFC is still attempting to replicate the effective electronics package of the RVN-3L Raven.
- Today the War College of Goshen dismissed the safety advocates concerns that its live-fire ranges are un-safe.